This has been a really trying week for me to say the least. Mentally I’ve been all over the place and I’m trying my best to stay as level headed as humanly possible. But if I’m being honest with myself this week almost broke me down, but God. I really lean on God to help me get through the trails I face and he has never let me down. As my grandmother says, grace and mercy baby grace and mercy. Have you ever experienced something that blindsided you and left you breathless? I think we all have at some point in our lives but the one thing I’ve learned over the years is trails will always come but the way you respond to them is where growth lies. No matter how good of a person you are, how intelligent you are, or how much you pray. You will be faced with a mountain that you will have to move or climb. Since I’m not capable of moving mountains I leave them in God’s hands. I can’t allow what I’m going through to overtake me. I just trust in God that he keeps me in perfect peace and helps me stand strong while in the eye of the storm I’m facing. As in everything this too shall pass. Everything has a time and a season in your life and this is the season of peace for me. I’m claiming it. I will no longer allow anything or anyone to get me off balance and disrupt my peace. If there is one thing I know how to do well that’s to pray. I’ve done a lot of this lately and as a result the smile on my face is genuine. I am truly at peace, with everything.
Outfit Details
Coat: Here
Shirt: ClosetSheIn sold out, Similar Here
Skirt: Here
Bag: Aldo- Sold Out
Shoes: Here
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