It has been exactly one week since I’ve been back from Las Vegas competing at Mrs. America. I’ve needed the entire week to get back on track and for my body to fully recuperate. To say this past weekend has been a world wind would be a complete understatement. As much as I tried to prepare for the week ahead, the 10 days that I spent in Las Vegas we’re completely overwhelming but in a good way. I’m going to share with you a few tips that will help you if you are on your way to compete for the prestigious title of Mrs America. Not only will these tips help you stay on track in maintaining your level of focus they will also help you not experience burnout and keep you level-headed. Remember we are competing for the crown and we have work to do.
Here are a few important topics I want to share to prepare you before traveling to compete for Mrs America.

Invest In Comfortable Heels
I’m sure by now you realize that you will be on your feet for the entire duration of your stay. Not only will you be on your feet all day you will also be expected to be at the top of your game. You will be stopped in the hotel to talk to guests and to take pictures with hotel staff and guests. Also expect to be moving from one end of the hotel to another for rehearsals, lunch breaks and makeup and hair touch-ups throughout the day.
Investing in a pair of comfortable shoes is my number one tip to get you through Mrs America week. Trust me when I tell you comfort is going to take president over style. By day three of wearing those pageant heels your feet will be barking at you.
There is nothing sexy about feet that are red, blistered, and painful to the touch.
As soon as I got off of the plane Mrs America week was in full swing. I dropped my bags off at the concierge desk and I was whisked away to my first photo shoot at the pool still wearing 6 inch heels. I then had to travel to the opposite side of the hotel to check in, collect my things, and then travel to the opposite side of the hotel for my first orientation. By 6 p.m. my feet hurt so bad I already had two blisters. You do not want this to be you on day one. I highly suggest that you always keep a pair of comfortable flats in your travel bag each day while walking around the hotel property.
Another Tip: If you are arriving on pageant day be sure your attire is picture worthy. You will be taking tons of photos.

Everyday Is a Photo Op: Dress To Kill
While we are on the subject of style I also want to emphasize the importance of showing up each day as Mrs. America. With all things, you always want to dress the part and Mrs. America week is the perfect opportunity to dress to Kill. My rule of thumb is always make sure that you are comfortable yet stylish. You will definitely have your nights where you will have to wear full evening gowns and over the top dresses. But your day to today wear should not only be comfortable it should be stylish.
Keep in mind that not only are you vying for your opportunity to be Mrs America you are also making tons of memories. This includes taking tons and tons of photographs not only with your new sash sisters but with guests who are attending the pageant and other pageant enthusiasts.
You don’t want to get caught in those sweatpants you wear around the house.
Take this opportunity to make sure you are presenting your best self. Yes your days will be filled with tons of rehearsals and events so you don’t want to wear a suit each and every day however, you definitely want to make a statement with each outfit that you wear. Make sure that it not only shows your personality but it also sets you apart from your fellow competitors.
Show Yourself Friendly
This next tip is critical because as a fellow competitor myself I know both sides of this coin. I know you may be a bit shy or even feel intimidated at times but please be friendly to your fellow competitors. I really want to emphasize this point because your first impression is typically your lasting impression. Keep in mind that you will be meeting at minimum 49 other women from across the country who will be sharing this journey with you. They are also very nervous, excited, and experiencing the same emotions as you are. A simple hello or a friendly smile can really break the ice.
As I mentioned previously you are competing to become Mrs America. You are going to have to get into the habit of becoming friendly and cultivating an environment where people feel comfortable walking up to you and starting up a conversation.
This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to do the following:
- Connect with people from various backgrounds as well as networking with women and men.
- Creating lasting friendships and relationships.
- Getting a snapshot of what Mrs. America is really all about.
So being friendly also means speaking to guests and staff in the hotels and places you visit. I can tell you from first experience, queens who don’t speak are remembered.
I was standing in line getting coffee and striked up a conversation with a hotel guest. She told me about a fellow contestant who she waved at and the queen did not greet her. I apologized on her behalf and she told me that there were also three other competitors who did not speak back as they traveled throughout the hotel and she remembered what states they represented. This was very disheartening to hear as we are state representatives and ambassadors to our respective organizations. We want to be remembered as being kind and courteous. Remember your first impression is your lasting impression .
Make Memories
Oh the memories you will make. As I sit back and think of the countless times I laughed with my fellow sash sisters during the week it really makes my heart smile. Not only did we create tons and tons of memories but the friendships that we created will be lifelong friendships. I know this is going to be easier said than done but try to take a few moments each day to really reflect on the journey. What you are experiencing right now will be stories you share with your grandchildren for years to come. Really take in the time that you spent at Mrs America because as long as 10 days may seem it is going to be over in a blink of an eye. Savor the moment and enjoy the journey.

Remember Your Why
Your “why” should be at the top of your list when preparing to leave for Mrs America week. I mean this in all sincerity. While you’re packing your bags remember why you’re doing all of this. All the time, all the preparation, all the sacrifice. Remember this as you arrive at Mrs America week and keep it at the forefront of your mind when making any and all decisions.
Why do you want to be Mrs. America?
Why do you want this National platform?
What is your goal at Mrs America?
These are all of the things that you need to consider before stepping foot on that competition stage. Your “why” is going to be the driving force behind your performance at Mrs America.
You do not want to come home with any regrets about your personal interviews or the opportunities that passed you by. You want to remain steadfast in your reasoning for competing as well as maintaining a level head while going through this journey. It can be quite easy to get wrapped up and all of the gossip and drama that may or may not go on around you. I’m happy to say I did not experience any of this during my time at Mrs America however sometimes emotions have a way of changing the dynamic of competition. Don’t sweat the small stuff and allow other people’s personal emotions or problems to invade your mind. With any journey it’s never how you start it’s always how you finish your “why” I will keep you on track.
I hope this tips and suggestions have helped you as you prepare to compete at Mrs. America or any pageant for that matter. This journey is so rewarding in so many ways and my hope for you is that you enjoy every second of it.
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