As a woman I never paid too much attention to the concept of femininity and the role it plays in my day to life. I mean I just figured, I’m a woman, hear me roar right? Wrong. I will be the first to say I was very rough around the edges and although I’ve come to love and embrace those aspects of my personality I also wanted to embark on a path of femininity. All of those years of being a tomboy growing up left a huge impact on me.
So I’ve made an effort to not only grow as a person but to embrace my own femininity, and today I am sharing five ways you can become more feminie.
As I mentioned in a previous post, this year is very personal for me as I am leveling up my entire life. I’m making it a priority to address all the areas of my life in which I feel I can improve and systematically doing so. This is just one of many ways in which to do so.
Femininity is very subjective and will vary from person to person. As it relates to me and my journey it means embracing my womanhood and everything that encompasses.
Here are just a few steps I’m taking on my path of becoming more femine.

Hat HERE, Shirt Similar, Similar, Jeans HERE, Shoes HERE, Bag HERE
Updating My Signatures
There are many things in my life that are staples or “signatures” to me. This includes my style, my smell, hairstyles, and much more. As I take this journey of femininity I’m embracing chance. This includes all of these areas. My style is very much relaxed with a touch of glam here and there. I mean, I am a queen. However, most days you will find me lounging around in jeans and a t- shirt living my best life. Not to say nothing is wrong with this but I have tons of wardrobe I can wear and I’m going to be doing just that. So if you happen to see me at the grocery store with pearls and a suit just wave lol.
As a hairstylist I change my looks quite often however lately it has been kind of boring if you ask me. I haven’t added any color or changed the length in a while. I’m definitely going to be changing this asap. You will be surprised what a new hairstyle can do to boost your mood.
I also have 2-3 perfumes I grab throughout the week and they have become my go to. Even though I own tons I always grab the same ones. I have no idea why. It’s even gotten to the point my clients know what scents I’m wearing lol. No ma’am, time to switch it all the way up. I recently was gifted the new Chanel perfume and perfect for day to day wear. It’s soft yet, feminine and my husband loves it.
Here are a few of my new favorites,
Silk and Satins
When you have kids, cotton is king lol. My kids love touching me while they’re eating cheetos lol. As a result, I’ve stayed away from fabrics that stain easily. Recently I’ve been falling in love with satin and silk materials. These fabrics are breathable, can be worn dressed up or down, and so extremely femine. They just hug the body so effortlessly, and accentuate your curves.
Silk is a material I use for my investment pieces. These are items that I will never sell and continue to wear for 5 years or more. These are often my shirts and dresses. They will cost you a bit more however, they are staples in your closet. You will be able to average the cost of each piece over the year span.
My go to at the moment is satin as it is available everywhere, and has a really great price point for any budget. If you want to level up your wardrobe this year I recommend adding these fabrics to your closet asap. You will be seeing tons of these pieces here on the blog as well as my instagram very soon.
Here are a few of my favorite pieces.
Hygiene Routine Overhaul
Your beauty routine is something that is very personal and can vary each day or each week. I needed to overhaul my beauty routine to include better quality products for my skin and products for my mental health. Yes, your beauty routine can aid in your overall well being. When I look my best, I feel my best. So investing into my hygiene is a must.
It’s all about embracing everything that makes you feel fabulous.
I take one day out of the week and focus on everything that will help me relax, detox, and much more. Long hot soaks in the tube, bubbles and champagne. Yes, even if that means a Wednesday. The day doesn’t matter just as long as you make it a priority.
Oh and don’t forget the candles.
This means detoxing my body by fasting. Detoxing my mind by unplugging from social media and praying. I also detox my skin. Exfoliating and steam treatments are my go to each week and I upgraded the products I’m currently using.
Some of my current beauty favorites will be listed below.
Literature Is Queen
When was the last time you read a book for pleasure? I read a quote that said “If you want to hide information from people, place it in a book”. I think this holds true, especially in today’s digital age. We don’t read anymore. So I decided to include at least one book to read for pleasure each week. For me it is harlequin novels. Don’t judge my life choices lol, this is my personal favorite at the moment. I’m a sucker for a love story. But the fact remains the same, reading helps with better brain function, vocabulary, and can be very stimulating.
There is something to be said about spending quality time with yourself getting lost in your thoughts that we don’t praise enough. As women we often give of ourselves quite a bit to the point we have nothing left. So on my path to femininity I am learning to pour back into myself as often as I can. Reading is a great way to do so, adding a glass of wine also makes it 10x’s better..
Building A Mysterious
I’ve been on social media for quite some time, especially YouTube. Sharing my life, my beauty tips and everything in between. As of late my goal is to work a bit more behind the scenes and become more of a mystery. I find that the key to becoming more femine is not sharing or exposing so much about ourselves. Leave a bit to the imagination. This includes our personality, character, and yes, even our bodies.
I may not speak for everyone when I say this but, why would anyone want to buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Am I aging myself when I say this lol? Simply put, if you are showcasing everything to the world then what is the incentive to get to know you? What else can you offer that is exclusive? Give them something to chase and inquire about. As it relates femininity, I find that the the opposite sex, or even the same sex finds it very appealing when you leave a bit to the imagination.
Think of it this way, when you shop you don’t shop with the mindset I want to wear what everyone else wears. I want something exclusive to me. So when I wear it it’s new to everyone else. That way I can show it off knowing no one has seen or experienced it before. Right. Same thing applies to this scenario, keep a bit of mystery about yourself, that way you have so much more to offer people who deserve to be a part of your inner circle. Everything isn’t for everyone.
I plan on talking a bit more about my journey, and I’ve already done a previous post HERE about some of the other wonderful changes I’ve been making lately. Remember, femininity is very subjective and its going to vary from person to person so keep that in mind if you plan on starting your own journey.
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