Mrs New Jersey 2020
The time has come, the beginning of the end. It is now time for me to crown the next Mrs. New Jersey, America. But the question still remains, who is Mrs New Jersey America 2020. She is Chimere Nicole Haskins, wife, mother, author, social media influencer, and entrepreneur.
However these titles do not define me, what I do with these titles does.

Although I wear many hats, the crown I wear each day defines who I am as a women. I am a woman of strength. What I have been able to overcome throughout my life is worthy of a best selling novel. The things I’ve faced during my reign as Mrs New Jersey where meant to derail not only my year but possibly my life. I gone through life saving surgeries, death of family members, and financial hardships that almost closed my business. Through it all I remained steadfast on the things God promised me and continued to walk the path of a true queen. I kept my head held high and continued to serve others.
My reign feels as though it has flown by. In actuality it has been quite the year. I shared on my pageant Instagram page so many highlights from my year of service.
I have been blessed with so many opportunities, faced with many highs and lows, and honored to continue the legacy that is Mrs. New Jersey, America.
One of the many things I set out to do was to impact my community as a whole. Not only with my title but with my time and resources. Pageantry allows for advocacy, this is how I choose to spend my year. Helping others who weren’t in the position to help themselves and bring attention to the issues faced across New Jersey. One of which was poverty.
This was not an easy task.
During my reign the state was still shut down and businesses that were open were operating a 40-60 percent capacity. Families were running low on basic supplies and struggling. Additionally, covid numbers were at an all time high and I was doing most of my community service virtually. However, I am a firm believer that when there is a will there’s a way.
Instead of making excuses, I pivoted my plans. The number one goal was to be of service and that’s what I set out to do.
My plans then changed and I decided to do what I could to help.
My Year In A Nutshell
I partnered with local food banks, community organizers, and government officials to donate and serve food and supplies to people in need. I honestly think I may have found my calling as I learned I’m able to pack hundreds of grocery bags in under an hour. I’m a woman of many talents, lol. I was even able to attend fundraisers and contribute hundreds of dollars to local causes. It is something about a crown that makes people listen. And when you’re in a position to help impact lives you speak with love and generosity. I am honored to wear it as Mrs New Jersey America 2020.
One of the many highlights was competing at Mrs. America. I was able to speak about my legacy project #GirlYes and share my heart on stage. A memory I will cherish forever.

As I reflect over my year I am filled with so much gratitude. Thanks to the people who have helped me achieve the dream, grateful for the memories, and I remain optimistic about the future. I know this is only the beginning for me.
As I begin to close this chapter, I am filled with joy and my heart is full. Being a queen is about leadership and servitude. I served those in need, inspired other women to do the same, and it has forever changed my life. What this year has meant to me can not be expressed with words so I will forever hold the memories in my heart.
I charge you to dream bigger, give selflessly, and shine. You have the capacity for greatness and in you there is a gift that can change the world around you.

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