Sis, it’s time to chat. I know 2020 has been the year from hell for so many of us and trying doesn’t even begin to describe the times we are living in. It’s been an adjustment on many fronts. I will be the first to say that it can only get better from here. Can we agree? I wanted to share some ways I plan on creating the life I’ve always dreamed of and this consists of a complete level up.
Yes, level up.

I mean a total overhaul of my life. I’m making it my mission to sit down and access all the areas of my life that I want to improve upon and actively make changes. This is the #GirlYes motto. In order for you to be bold, ambitious, and beautiful it’s more than just looking the part. It’s about embodying the lifestyle physically and mentally. In order to level up, you must be willing to take accountability for the current status of your life and be willing, to be honest with yourself.
This is the hardest part because who wants to admit they aren’t perfect and are full of flaws? Some might, but this isn’t something we see every day. So I commend you for taking the first steps in saying Girl Yes, I need to level up. Let’s do less talking and more twerk… I mean working. Let’s dive into the five areas we will be focusing on in order to level up in 2021.
It’s Levels To The Level Up
This will always be a priority on my list because truly, health is wealth. You are not able to efficiently do anything without your health and wellness. This year I was faced with a health scare that allowed me to put a lot of things into perspective. So instead of focusing on a New Years’ resolution, shift your attention to maintaining a healthy balance of diet and exercise. Don’t focus on the scale. Ask yourself, “How do you feel”? You can level up and live the GIRL YES way feeling tired and sluggish? The answer is NO. If you eat garbage you will feel like garbage. Make sure you schedule all your doctor’s visits and important check ups. Be good to your body and it will be good for you. A healthy body wears confidence like a pair of skinny leg jeans, amazingly.
Listen, if covid taught us nothing else, it taught us to have money saved for a rainy day. Maybe even a rainy year. Don’t spend your money trying to convince broke people you’re not broke also. All those designer labels are great however when the world shut down what was more important? Paying you rent or that Gucci belt hanging in the closet. Looking fabulous sitting on the couch. Shift your perspective sis. Start to develop a financial portfolio that consists of multiple saving funds. I know it’s hard to save during these challenging times but even an extra $10 a month is still a level up from the previous month. The level up is about progress.
2021 is not the year for you to continue to do a job that you do not feel passionate about. Your career is another extension of your life and should be something that feeds you creatively as well as mentally. We do not want to continue to dedicate 40 hours or more a week to a career that we do not love. Or an organization that doesn’t value what you bring to the table. So the best advice I would give you is to really take this time to reevaluate your current career path. Some questions you may ask yourself are,
- Is there room for growth in my current career?
- Am I able to scale up my current position?
- Can I see myself in the same job role in the next five years?
- What am I looking to build if I continue on my current career path?
- Am I happy?

Love Life
Love is such a crazy thing! It’s something we all want but on some level, we are scared to fully commit to the idea of it. So in the context of leveling up your life, I would focus my attention not on falling in love with someone but shifting that attention to yourself. Fall in love with you. Your flaws, your mistakes, and everything in between. Get to know yourself on a deeper and intimate level. Until you figure out who you are and what fuels you and drives your passions it’s going to be extremely hard for you to expect someone else to love you. Get to know the queen within. The Girl Yes lifestyle suggests that true beauty comes from self-discovery so in order to level up you have to re-discover who you are.
Mental Health
This past year has done a number on everyone’s mental health. Whether you would like to admit it or not we all have been faced with various types of anxiety depression and so much more. Now is the time to take control of our mental health and address some of the issues that we have been hiding in plain sight. Please ask yourself.
1. Did the isolation from Covid affect you negatively or positively?
2. Why or why not?
3.Do you feel a sense of anxiety when you leave your home?
4. Are you comfortable with being alone?
5. What are some positive ways you can shift your mindset to overcome your mental struggles?
These are the types of hard questions we must ask ourselves in order to level up our mental health in 2021.
How Can You Level Up
Just Say “Girl Yes”
It’s time to jumpstart your next 30 days to level up your mindset and your life. How exactly do you do this you may ask?
Take immediate action, NOW!

Once you’ve made the decision to change you then must affirm who you are and what you want your life to become.
Affirm you are bold, ambitious, and beautiful. In this, you are saying “Girl Yes”. You are now setting yourself up to have direct access to everything that is attached to your name. If you want to,
- Find your purpose.
- Shift your mindset.
- Take action.
- Understand your why factor.
- Get tunnel vision
- Project inner beauty
- Embrace saying NO
If this sounds like you then the Girl Yes 30 Day Guide is made specifically for you.
Girl Yes affirms that women can be bold, ambitious, and beautiful simultaneously. It’s a proven formula for abundance and success. Girl Yes will help you shift your mindset to embody all that you wish to become.
In this self-paced 30 day transformation, your heart will be opened and you will be pushed into your divine purpose. You will move from the lost and confused to ideas and implementation. The practical applications in this guide can be applied to all areas of your life. The only thing to say is “Yes” to long-lasting change and Level Up.

Purchase your Girl Yes 30 Day guide today. HERE
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